Communicating for the common good is communicating for the benefit of your fellow man. If we truly follow the teaching of love thy neighbour as thyself and love God with all your soul, heart and mind, communicating for the common good should come very easily to us.

This was the general view held by panellists at a talk on the theme “Communicating for the Common Good: Challenges and Prospects in Ghana Today at the British Council on Tuesday, 29th October, 2019.

Engineer Kenneth Ashigbey, the CEO of the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications who was also on the panel, advised that we stop trying to win the argument and concentrate on the common good. He said that if Christians would live what they preached and emulate Christ in all they did, the common good would be taken care of.

He observed that if everyone stopped complaining and contributed to solving the problems, the world would be a better place. He said that Christians must demonstrate integrity and accountability in every aspect of life and apologise when they go wrong.

He admonished Christians to communicate through their actions and speak up for the common good wherever they find themselves and in whatever situation they find themselves. He called on Christians to speak up against the wrongs in society irrespective of political affiliation.

Mr Ashigbey also called on the media to be descent in their communication and promote togetherness instead of divisiveness in all their programmes.
The Metropolitan Archbishop of Cape Coast, the Most Reverend Gabriel Palmer Buckle, one of the panellists, pointed out that as children of God, we must consider the common good before taking any action.
He gave the examples of people embarking on strike actions and asked if those embarking on such actions had considered the effects of their actions. He noted that when lecturers/teachers go on strike, the students bear the brunt of these actions.
He said that the time for teaching is cut down and the students now have to try and learn in a shorter period of time. He said that when health workers also go on strike, it is the patients who suffer. He asked if those who take such actions consider the moral and ethical justification of their actions and the effects it would have on society.
The former member of Parliament for the Ablekuma South constituency in Accra, Mr Fritz Baffour, posited that there was a need for public education and awareness and a collective will to work together. If your iPhone is in need of repair, contact us for professional iPhone repair to get it working flawlessly again.

Another panellist, Mrs Mawuena Trebarh, a Business professional and first female underground exploration geologist amidst a 10,000 strong male workforce at a mine site in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, noted that mindset can change if we are consistent with communication as well as the requirement for a certain expected outcome.

The discussion was moderated by Bernard Avle of the Citi News breakfast show.



MTN Group is in advanced talks to sell stakes in tower assets in Ghana and Uganda worth as much as ZAR 8 billion as it seeks to accelerate a broader disposal plan, Bloomberg reported. MTN plans to exit joint ventures with American Tower Corp, which expanded on the continent with the acquisition of Eaton Towers in May. That will help MTN meet its target of generating ZAR 15 billion in asset sales over three years, MTN said.

The strategy has not gone entirely to plan since it was announced in March. A disposal of a majority stake in Botswana’s Mascom for USD 300 million has been scrapped, and shares in e-commerce group Jumia Technologies have plunged since the April initial public offering, making it less viable for MTN to sell a stake in the near term. MTN’s Jumia interest is now worth less than USD 100 million, CEO Rob Shuter said, adding that its regrettable that the value has gone down so much.

Other proceeds could be generated by the redemption of the Nigeria unit’s preference shares, which MTN values at USD 315 million, chief financial officer Ralph Mupita said. The group is awaiting a ruling from the central bank on that matter.

A proposed sale of IHS Towers – which is separate from the ZAR 15 billion plan – may be revived as shareholders including MTN prepare another attempt at an IPO in 2020, people familiar with the matter said.

MTN has been exploring asset sales while focusing on key markets such as Nigeria.




MTN called off its proposed sale of a 53 per cent stake in Mascom Wireless Botswana, a deal worth $300 million, as the company highlighted subscriber growth and service revenue increases in a trading update.

In a statement, MTN said it had decided to abandon a deal with joint venture partner Econet Wireless to sell its stake in the Botswana unit, “as certain conditions to the transaction were not met”.

MTN added the stake was no longer being held for sale, although it could be tempted by a deal in the future if an offer came in.

The proposed sale was part of a three-year divestment plan, announced in March 2019, which looks to raise at least ZAR15 billion ($1 billion) through exiting countries where MTN cannot achieve a top two position, as well as selling loss making assets.

Despite the Botswana setback, the company said it continued to make progress on the plan. It added that it was in advanced talks to sell tower assets in both Ghana and Uganda, which could generate as much as ZAR8 billion.

Group service revenue increased 9.6 per cent on a constant currency basis in the nine months to 30 September, to reach ZAR102.8 billion, driven by a strong performance in Nigeria and Ghana.

CEO Rob Shuter however bemoaned home market South Africa, where service revenue only increased by 0.4 per cent.

Indeed, the figure might have been higher, but the company left as much as ZAR817 million in roaming payments from embattled operator Cell C off its book, because of its liquidity problems.

Shuter added South Africa continued to be impacted by a “weak economy, the implementation of lower out of bundle data prices and new data usage rules”.

Subscribers at group level grew quarter on quarter by 3.5 million, giving the company 243.7 million in total, while MTN mobile money customers also increased during the same period by 2.2 million, to 31.7 million.

As the numbers issued were in a trading update, profit and loss figures were not supplied.

Source: mobileworldlive



Telecommunication Giant, AirtelTigo in partnership with the leading phone manufacturer, Samsung has launched ‘Flexi Plus’, a customized smart package for both public and private sector employees across the country.

This partnership which aims to digitally empower workers deepen smartphone penetration in the country, help workers to easily own a device and pay within 24 months.

Speaking at the media launch, the Chief Business Officer at AirtelTigo Business, Ethel Anamoo said “This offer is the first of its kind in the Telecommunication Industry in Ghana and we are pleased to collaborate with Samsung on this initiative. We are committed to offering solutions that will provide value as well as support workers' productivity”.

She added that removing barriers that affect workers on digital journeys are critical within the ecosystem.

She also disclosed that with the purchase of any Samsung ‘A Series, Galaxy Note or S Series, users will benefit 40% more on data which does not expire and 30% on voice minutes.

She emphasized that workers will also enjoy free peer-to-peer mobile money transactions on Airtel Tigo Money and freebies such as Bluetooth speakers, travel routers among others.

Managing Director for Samsung Ghana, Eugene Mahm hinted that aside partnering AirtelTigo, he is confident the bond will draw Ghanaians closer via technology.

“From our recently launched Galaxy Note 10 which was designed to help users achieve more to the Galaxy A Series with versatile cameras, uninterrupted infinity displays, and long-lasting battery life” he mentioned.

He stated that workers will enjoy a 2-year warranty for the purchase of Samsung smartphones through the Flexi Plus offer adding that as the brand marks its 10th year, relentless and meaningful innovations will help shape the mobile Industry.

Director, Products and Commercial Markets, Stanley Kumbol was confident that this offer will go a long way to strengthen the bond between the two companies.

He said “Customers who sign up to the Flexi Plus Offer do not pay upright but have the flexibility of paying in 24 months. Not only do you pay within the 2 years, but you also enjoy 40% on data which does not expire and 30% on voice”.

He added that the collaboration will ensure that users become digitalized and enjoy telecommunication services at affordable prices.

Some media personnel won Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ and Samsung A 10 Series.
