Let's Showcase our Culture through MTN Heritage App

Mr Peter Bimpeh, the Senior Manager of General Trade, South East, MTN Ghana has called on Ghanaians to use the Company’s new app, MTN Heritage App to showcase the country's beautiful culture to the world.

The MTN Heritage App is a knowledge gathering application by MTN for sharing and showcasing information on Ghana and its culture.

Mr Bimpeh noted the country was blessed with rich culture, usually displayed during celebration of traditional festivals and invited people especially the youth to share short videos and pictures of traditional drumming and dancing and other cultural performances during festival celebrations and other material cultural heritage of Ghana via the app as a way of promotion and preserving them.

Mr Bimpeh said this after a team from the Volta Regional and Head Offices of MTN Ghana led by Mr Selorm Adadevoh, its Chief Executive Officer paid a courtesy call on the Awoamefia, Torgbui Sri III at Anloga.

The team among others, presented GH¢20,000 each to the Awoamefia Educational Fund and the Hogbetsotsoza Planning Committee as support to the Anlo State and the 2019 Hogbetsotsoza.

The Senior Manager of General Trade said the Company was committed to the Hogbetsotso festival and had been supportive of its activities including EdemFest and Hogbetsotsotso Health Walk over the years.

Torgbui Zewu IV, Dufia of Anloga thanked MTN for yearly support and wished the company well.

Hogbetsotsoza also Known as Hogbeza is celebrated by chiefs and people of Anlo every first Saturday in November at Anloga, the traditional capital of Anlo State to mark the legendary exodus of the Ewe-Dogbo folks from Notsie in present day Togo.

Source: GNA